Does your filling need replacing?

Does your filling need replacing?

There is no perfect substitute for a natural, healthy tooth. A tooth that has decay will need
treatment with a dental filling or other restoration depending on the extent of the decay. A dental filling
may last many years before it needs replacement. However, fillings are subject to constant stress from
chewing. Clenching or grinding teeth also puts tremendous force on fillings and tooth enamel.
A filling may eventually wear around the edges. Or it may pull away from surrounding tooth
enamel, leaving a very small space between the tooth and the filling. This condition may allow bacteria
to enter and cause decay around the margins of the filling. The bacteria cannot be removed once they
enter the space. Often, the damage is not seen because there are no symptoms until the decay reaches
the nerve of the tooth.
Worn fillings should be replaced promptly. Don’t wait until the tooth hurts or the filling and the
tooth crack. This can complicate treatment and make it more costly. White filling needs to check more
cautiously because it is easy to have edge leakage by the time. From hot coffee to cold ice cream will
give you huge range of thermal change in your mouth. White filling material will develop micro gap at
the margin through expansion and shrinkage of the material. The tooth done endodontic treatment
could be failed by the leakage. Crown on the tooth is mandatory to protect from leaking and fracture.
The tooth has only temporary cement filling when you hear that your root canal treatment was done.
Some people never have had permanent filling or crown after root canal treatment because they
thought that it was finished. The temporary filling has sealing to prevent from bacterial invasion for less
than one month only. Nobody wants second root canal treatment on the same tooth. It is painful and
very expensive.
For more information, Please call 661-253-3030 or visit

김 장 숙 <시네마 덴탈케어 원장> Tel. (661) 253-3030
