Infant Formula and the Risk of Enamel Fluorosis
You may see a small white spot in front teeth of your daughter. You may see the prominent white
band on the teeth when a pretty girl smiles. Fluorosis is not a disease but it affects the way that teeth
look. These defect looking can be improved by special surface treatment with chemical and mechanical
treatment named microabrasion. Cosmetic bonding will correct the appearance if the fluorosis is big and
The last editorial mentioned about community water fluoridation. I am continuing to give answers
to questions
Is it safe to use the tap water for my baby? All persons should know whether the fluoride concentration in
their primary source of drinking water is below optimal (less than 0.7 mg/L fluoride), optimal (0.7-1.2
mg/L fluoride), or above optimal (greater than 1.2 mg/L fluoride). Use of water below 0.7 mg/L fluoride
contributes to a very small risk of developing this condition. The risk increases with an increasing level of
fluoride and depends on other factors, such as age and weight of the child and how much formula they
drink each day. Contact your local water company or utility to learn the fluoride level in your water
Is all bottled water low in fluoride? Most bottled water contains low fluoride concentrations; however
much variation exists-some brands may contain optimal or higher levels. Because there currently is no
requirement to display the fluoride concentration on bottle labels. Water labeled as purified, distilled,
deionized, demineralized, or produced through reverse osmosis are always low in fluoride.
What types of infant formula may increase the risk for enamel fluorosis? The ready-to-feed formula contains
little fluoride and does not contribute to enamel fluorosis. Those types of formula that require mixing
with water-powered or liquid concentrates-can be the main source of fluoride intake depending upon the
water source.
What can be done to reduce my child’s chance of developing fluorosis? CDC has developed
recommendations to reduce the risk for enamel fluorosis. Remember, fluorosis can only occur during the
time of enamel formation before teeth come into the mouth. Young children who use multiple sources of
fluoride such as fluoride toothpaste, dietary supplements, and water with optimal or higher natural
fluoride have a higher risk for this condition.
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